Friday, November 13, 2020

Health and well-being - medicinal plants, tea and herbarium!

Theme: Medical plants, tea and herbarium

Children age: 6-7 years 

In spring the Karikakra group children picked different medicinal plants and they put them to dry. They also picked some autumn plants and put them to dry also.

Picking chamomile and calendula

So now they took out all the different dried plants and studied them. They learned their names, smell, look and what you can do with them. Turned out that some of the plants are very good to make medical tea. Like chamomile is very good for your stomach and digestion; linden tea is good against fever and flu and Mint tea helps with headaches, sleep and digestion problems.

They had 7 different plants:
1. Linden. 2. Calendula. 3. Mint. 4.  Meadowsweet. 5. Oregano. 6. Melissa. 7. Chamomile.

After examination of the plants they also made tea:

And added some honey: 

And it tasted very good.....
All the different tea bags where put up in exhibition for others to see as well.

In the end they also took out the autumn plants and studied them as well. They explored, compared and counted them. Then they glued them on the paper and made herbarium.

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