Thursday, January 14, 2021


Our  children still are cognizing the theme of health and well-being.

Having got acquainted with the importance of washing our hands and having watched the cartoons on the topic, children practiced washing their hands properly as well. 

They ascertained that hands can be washed with water.


They found out it in experiment - how soap repels bacteria.

Children could play and visualize how water and soap rinses away microbes.

They even carried out experiment that took several days - how dirty hands and clean hands "affect" a bread.
Having talked about the importance of washing hands, it was found out that not only hands but also fingernails should be tidy. Children listened to the fairy-tale by our national writer I. Ziedonis "Blakness behind the fingernails". The story tells about a miser who lives behind one's fingernails and collects blackness. Having clarified that also nails should be tidy, children practiced cutting dirty nails themselves. If someone cut in finger, they used adhesive plaster to give aid to the injury.

Continuing the theme about the hygiene, children explored teeth.
They examined the jaw cast in plaster, practiced how to clean teeth correctly, learned a song about teeth and inspected "the clever book" that showed how teeth look like also in gums. The smallest children clarified what teeth like and what spoils teeth. So they tried to portray happy teeth and sad.

And this was not the end of it. It was interesting for them to discover, what is inside our body and how it works. Children measured their heart rate and breathing being calm and after a physical exercise. got an insight how lungs work and why we stand so stately. And of course, noone can do without playing doctors... 

Children adore exploring themselves and seeing how a human body works.

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