Monday, February 8, 2021

Health and well-being


Children age: 2-3 years

Child knows that when you freeze water it turns to ice and melts when warm is. Child sees that water is different in various environment. Child sees the different states of water. Child can describe different state of water (cold, warm, taste, smell). Child can use magnifying glass to investigate the water.

In the morning they put some water in cups and put them outside. In couple on hours they took them inside again. The water had turned to ice. And they were able to investigate how the ice started to melt again. They also tried it with ice cream.

Then they investigated the ice. Each child had a peace of ice on their plate. They investigated it with the magnifying glasses. They were also able to see how it melted. They were able to see that even clear ice had some dirt in side. 

 Melting ice

 melted ice cream

 investigation with magnifying glass

 tasting melted ice with added salt and suger

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