Sunday, March 21, 2021

Our Sea - “Amazing Beaches of Cyprus”

 As a Mediterranean island, Cyprus, has many beautiful beaches. 

Children has many and direct experiences at sea!  

We have asked children to bring photos of the seas they visited or/and they would like to visit and they presented them to their classmates.

The next days we have talked about the sea and beaches of each district of Cyprus island. 

We have seen photos, presentations and looked for information of many of Cyprus’ beaches. 

We have learnt what the “Blue Flag” award is and discovered that most of our beaches havereceived this award. 

We ‘ve actually learnt some of them. 

We have also discussed about organized and not organized beaches and what their characteristics are in each case and learnt about Natura 2000.


Later on, children drew pictures of our sea and beaches and prepared a poster with some of our amazing beaches.

 We have also remembered our beaches that  are located at the occupied area of our country. We have seen pictures  of  a very beautiful and famous, golden sandy beach in the town of Famagusta before the Turkish invasion and compared them with photos of this certain beach in Famagusta nowadays, after the Turkish invasion. Famagusta city is now known as Ghost City.

Children expressed their feelings and made wishes that this beach and the rest of the occupied island to be free again and people enjoy once again their time in this beach and other occupied beaches of our island. The last two drawings are about Famagusta Beach before and after the Turkish invasion in 1974.

Our poster: “Amazing Beaches of Cyprus”

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