Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Our Sea - The legend of Digenis Akritas – Petra tou Romiou



In the district of Paphos, there is a famous beach called "Petra tou Romiou". It's natural beauty along with the mythology connected with it as the birthplace of Aphrodite and the legend of Digenis Akritas make it a popular tourist location.

Children listened the story of Digenis Akritas, made the following drawings and retold the story.

The legend is about the strongest and bravest of all Akrites who were the guards of the Byzantine Empire, Digenis Akritas.

He was so tall and strong that he could reach the island of Crete with his other leg, while he was in Cyprus.
One day while he was standing on a mountain he saw pirate ships reaching Cyprus. He was very concerned! 
So, he grabbed a huge rock and threw it on the pirates' ships.

As he grabbed the rock, his hand left a mark on the mountain which it's called Pentadaktylos, meaning five fingers. 
Now, Pentadaktylos is occupied by the Turkish.

The rock was landed in the sea and it is known as The Rock of the Roman (Greek) man. Today, you can see it standing there very beautifully.

By the rock, the mythology says that the Goddess of Beauty and Love, Aphrodite (Venus) was born from the waves. 

All the pirates' ships were destoyed and the Cypriots were saved thanks to Digenis Akritas! 

Digenis Akritas returned to his hometown as a hero. No pirate approached the island.


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