Thursday, May 13, 2021


 Each year in April our preschool groups organize a forest week. There are certain educative, forest-cognizing activities to be done during the whole week. Just sharing the activities of this year.

Monday - "Plant your own tree" - go to the sport field, take one ball of yarn, by wrapping it together one child by one, find your tree to plant. Having found the tree, go to the forest, decide which is the most suitable place for it to grow and plant it, saying the magic words "Pine tree grow, pine tree grow, pine tree grow!" (or maple tree grow, depends). Visit your tree occasionally.

Tuesday - "Forest riddles". Go to the agreed place in the forest. There you will meet with Fox and Hunter and with their guidance solve the riddles about forest. 

Wednesday - "Measuring of trees" -  children are measuring trees in the surroundings of the parish. Depends on the children age group how it is done.

Thursday - "Educative walk in the forest together with a forester". Groups one by one take a walk in the forest with a forester. Forester reveals to children different secrets about forest and life in it.

Friday was meant for clean-up event, but it was raining cats and dogs, so we moved the activity to the nearest future. Children had prepared posters to be placed in the park during the clean-up event- "Don't waste in forest!"

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