Saturday, May 8, 2021

Our sea - Estonia is a sea state!

Theme: Estonia - Sea state part II.

Children age: 5-6 years

Objectives: The child gets acquainted with the biggest mammal of Baltic sea. The child is creative and knows how to make cooperation in groupwork. The child send knowingly their sad thoughts to the sea. The child gets to know new concept - expedition. The child can measure with measuring tape. The child explores with family members more about gray seal and crafts it (draws, models, sews, folds) at home.

Tools: three about 5 meter ropes. Three measuring tapes. Three A4 size thicker paper, on one written Saaremaa, one Hiiumaa and one Muhu. Warm and comfortable clothing and shoes.

Preparation: Previous days the children have investigates the map of Estonia and compared the three islands (Saaremaa, Hiiumaa, Muhu - size, position, shape).

Activity: The teacher lets the children know that staff meeting will be in 5 minutes.

They all clean the room and they go to the "office". In the beginning of staff meeting one "worker" says todays date and day. In the meeting they learn that today they are going on expedition - "The Baltic sea biggist mammal". Who could it be? How big can grow a gray seal? Has anybody seen a gray seal? What it looks like? We look pictures of gray seal.

What does mean expedition? Discussion about it.

Before they start to go on expedition the members prepare themselves with yoga. It balances mind and gives strength and power for the expedition.

They go to the seaside with a brisk walk and following traffic rules. Finally on the beach.

Who wants can make a sad thoughts sending away ritual on the beach. Sending sad thoughts with good words to the sea and getting back good feeling and happy thoughts.

Then the group leaders (chosen in the morning) gather their group. On the will of the lottery each group gets one island what they will make with the help of a rope. This time it is important to look where they are located. 

Then the groups made gray seal from the ropes on the sand. And measured it with measuring tape.

The first crafted gray seals the children made at home with families:

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