Sunday, June 6, 2021

Europe Day 2021 - Latvia kindergarten

 Europe Day 2021

On the last day of the school year children of our kindergarten celebrated Europe day.

The oldest group in our kindergarten started celebrating Europe day at the "Our New European Friends" wall by learning the history of the flag of each partner country. Then they had a little competition - "Try to solve rebuss". They were given a sheet of paper on which different flags were portrayed in a row. They had to find out to which country the respective flag belonged to and write the initial letter of that country. When all the countries were clarified and letters written, they could read a word.

After that they went to the forecourt of the kindergarten where at the flagpoles with Latvian and European Union flags other groups were also gathering. 
Thanks to Erasmus+ project "See! Our Nature!" our kindergarten has acquired new friends in Europe. On this account, all groups were invited to travel to our partner countries - Estonia, Cyprus, Croatia and Bulgaria - and learn a bit about these countries. 

Each group received a map that depicted in what order they should visit the partner countries and how should they get from one country to another (by plane, by foot, by car etc.). In each country (checkpoint) children were welcomed by the "ambassador" of the state who greeted children in the language of the country. Told a little about the respective country and invited to take part in an activity related to the country. After that, the ambassador said goodbye in the respective language and children were ready to travel to the next country.

Croatia is known as passionate for football, but to become a good football player one must train hard. In Croatia children were encouraged to hit the ball into the goal from different distances.

In Estonia people like to sing and dance. Therefore, when visiting it, children practiced dancing their traditional dance Kaera-Jaan.

Cyprus activity invited all to friendly and helpful relations. 

The "ambassador" of Bulgaria offered children a little brain and attention exercise in the game "Yes is No and No is Yes".


Having travelled accross Europe, children returned home - to Latvia. Here they shared their emotions about their experience in other countries. The host of the event was happy that children had returned to their homeland and invited them to make the outline of Latvia from yarn.
For the memory of this event children were given a flag of European Union and a certificate for active participation in the sporty event.

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