Monday, September 20, 2021



CHILDREN AGE: 5-7 years

OBJECTIVES: The child learns about Pirita river valley flora species richness. The child knows how to collect nature materials to make Mothersday gift. The child can play movement games. The child enjoys being in nature. The child knows how to behave in picnic area and clean after themselves.

TOOLS: Bags to collect nature materials. Thermoses with herbal tea, drinking cups.

PREPARATIONS: Exploring the book "Weeds - troublesome and profitable" (pictures, plants names). Mapping the hikes journey. Discussion and exploring pictures of Pirita river and its shores. We agree on the rules of conduct applicable during the study visit.

ACTIVITY: We gather in front of the gate of the kindergarten. All children wear safety vests. Leaving the gate, turn left and walk in front of Pirita Economic Gymnasium, cross Kloostrimetsa Road and turn left onto Kalmuse Road. We reach the footpath and turn left. Let's find out which plants grow along the footpath. The children found  couch grass as the first plant (according to the picture in the book “Weeds troublesome and profitable”), followed by  ground elder - an early spring carrot substitute in all salads and soups, and Russian cabbage and common nettle. The river is on the right, there are rushes on the river bank and there are many mounds of mud.

We run up from the high sandy river bank, to the left is a beautiful, light purple flower field. Children pick every flower to decorate a Mother's Day gift. We reach up, look down, there is still ice and snow in the river valley. When discussing, we come to the knowledge that the valley is colder than the high forest on the shore. Let's start with the observation of trees and plants: pines, pine needles, pine cones, rowans, birches, bird cherry.

 All the mosses on the trees and the lichens on the fallen branches. Children collect decorative materials for a Mother's Day gift. There is a lot of strawberry and blueberry stalk.

We get to the health trail. Let's start with the movement games "Rear pair out", "Squirrels, deer and nuts", "Next to the Carrot Cave". We know that as we move forward, we will have a surprise. All the children are quiet, listening to the birds singing and looking for a surprise.

One of the children in our group has a birthday on the day of the hike. The child's mother is waiting for us under the river bend with a cake. A picnic and free running games begin.

At the end of the picnic, we clean the surroundings. We leave behind a clean river valley.

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