Monday, September 13, 2021

Our Forest - activity Look, our forest!

In the next stage, we look at the branch, touch it and smell it. The children try to draw after the branch they have seen. Children draw lines with a brush and then make sheets by pressing with a paper towel.

The related activity lasted for a week.

 Activity: Look, our forest!

Theme: Forest as our living environment. Protective attitude towards nature.

Children age: 2-3 years

Objectives: The child shows and tries to use proper words: front, top, side and back; A child prints with a paper towel and draws lines with a painting comb; The child knows that the forest is the home of a wild animal. The child knows that wild animals live in the forest.

Used materials: Small wild animals: tit, wolf, elk, rabbit, wild boar, fox and bear. Kinetic sand, staggered branches, cones and wild animals. For artistic activities: blue and yellow paint, a comb brush. The next day: brush and paper doll, brown color and light green color.


We go for a walk in the woods with the children quite often. We asked the children what they think is the forest? The children knew that there were trees, animals, birds in the forest. Then we started discussing from the beginning - What is a TREE. We learned that the tree has branches and a leg. The trees look different in winter and summer. The children thought that the trees were green and brown. The children and I went outside to see the trees in our yard.


In the group there were staggered birch branches, we looked at them and named them: branch, leaf. The branch was brown and the leaf was green.

After the morning round, the children were divided into activities: art and mathematical play.

Then we look at what the trees are like. Same know that the tree has trunks and branches. Leaves come to the branches. The leaves are yellow.

Art: drawing a forest: a child spreads yellow and blue with a comb brush, we get green. We let the work dry and continue the next day.

Math / game: animals on the sand. Inside the sand are branches, cones, like a forest. We agree that there are branches and cones from the game. Let's start putting the animals in the forest together. The child names the animal and tries to say where he puts the animal: I put the fox behind the elk, I put the piglet in front of the tree, and so on. The aim is to play with the children and thus improve their vocabulary and sentence structure. In the game, it also happened that the animal goes to another animal and says hello to him!

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