Monday, September 20, 2021

Our Forest - Rain music

THEME: Rain music

CHILDREN AGE: 3-4 years

OBJECTIVES: The child imitates rain noise with fingers (quietly and hard). The child knows that they can make music instruments from the nature materials gathered from the forest. The child knows what is rain instrument and tries to play it. The child compares different rain instruments sounds. 

MATERIALS/TOOLS: empty plastic bottle with lid, different sizes and thickness branches (to fit inside the bottle), little rocks, peaces of cones.

PREPARATION: gather different branches, rocks and cut little peaces from the cones. 

ACTIVITY: The teacher discusses about the sound of rain with children. Then they try to imitate it together with fingers. Loud and heavy and then quietly and softly. Then the teacher shows instruments that she herself has made. They explore the inside of it. Then all the children can make their own rain instruments. They choose the branches, rocks, peaces of cones and so on. They put them inside of the plastic bottle and put the lid on. Then they all play them. They try to hear if they sound the same or different. Then they try to make heavier and softer noise. They also put some music on and try to play the rain instrument.

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