Monday, May 16, 2022

Our Climate - Activities with mTiny

CHILDREN’S AGE: 4-6 years old

OBJECTIVES: The child knows how to make the robot mTiny move. The child can move the robot by using direction cards or joysticks. The child knows the meaning of + (plus) and - (minus). The child knows the thermometer. The child knows which transportation or moving around is good for the climate (make happy) or bad for the climate (makes sad). The child knows that words are made of letters. The child can put the letters in the right order. The child knows different letters and names them. The child knows the seasons.

ACTIVITY: With the theme climate the teachers thought out some games for the mTiny robot.

Game 1 - mTiny and thermometer. The children are divided into pairs. At first one child is rolling the dice and tells the other what comes out. When comes +2, it means 2 steps forward, or -1 is 1 step back. The other is moving mTiny by using forward and back cards. Then they switch places. And make it again.
The mTiny is moving on the thermometer on the floor. The children are able to see when it is moving to the blue side it is cold and the plus side is red.


Game 2 - Transportation affects the planet. In this game the children try to move the robot with a joystick. At first the child chooses an earth card from the floor. On the other side there is a happy face or sad face. Then the child has to choose the transportation (bicycle, motorcycle, car, bus, plane or walking) that makes the planet happy or sad and move the mTiny on it. They also have to tell that how or why it makes the planet happy or sad.

Game 3 - Learn letters with mTiny. The child finds a letter from the box. Puts it on top of mTiny with gum. Then takes the mTiny joystick and steers the letter to the right season picture and puts the letter in the right letterbox. Then drives the mTiny back and finds the next letter.


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