Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 AGE : 3-7 years old children

One of the most important thing of having a healthier life is certainly knowing how to deal with stress and negative feelings. Teaching children to practice mindfulness on a daily basis, we are also teaching them how to cope with different feelings and with that we are helping them navigate through difficult and delicate situations. 

First of all, we started with breathing techniques that help body and mind to relax and focus on the moment.

"The Hoberman sphere"

"The Rainbow Breath"

The children were repeating this exercise a couple of times, they were breathing slowly and they focused on their breath by controlling how they inhale and exhale. We then decided to give them paint and by doing that same movement with hands, the children were able to produce a form of art which was the result of the given exercise.

We also had some fun with yoga exercises which were a great way to incorporate a child's natural interest in animals with doing all sorts of yoga poses. 

"The Breathing Tree"

Being healthy and having a happy and fulfilled life also has a foundation on how we treat each other. Being kind is something we learn through growing up and sometimes we need others to help us learn that. We started this particular theme by reading stories "The Giving Tree" and "The Thankful Book". We then talked about generosity and how a small act of kindness can make yours and someone else's life happier too.

The children were given parts of felt fabric on which they drew one act of good deed they already had made and they sew the parts of it together in a quilt. We call it "The Kindness Quilt". 

At the end of the month we asked the children one question : "What makes you so happy that you want to share that with the whole world?". The answers were written on a paper and children drew themselves in the small windows as if they are shouting to the world. We made a display in the hallway for children and parents to see what we had learn in the past three months.

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