Wednesday, December 2, 2020


 AGE : 3-4 years old children


The children were given mirrors in which they could see themselves and then make conversation with others about what they see in the mirror. They were comparing each other and noticed similarities and differences in their appearance.

We talked about how each and one of us is different and how those differences make us unique.
After that activity we presented them with a fun game which we called "Make a face". They used parts of the face (eyes, nose and mouth) which represented their own facial features.


Introducing dental hygiene and the proper way of brushing teeth is really important at this age. We started with a game of brushing teeth with just using a toothbrush, felt pens and laminated pictures of teeth. We weren't able to have children brush their teeth because of the epidemiological situation but this also worked as a way of teaching the importance of their daily dental hygiene habits.

This was a start of making a health corner in our room and the children can now have the opportunity to learn all about their bodies and the proper way of taking care of themselves through pretend play.

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