Saturday, May 8, 2021

Our Sea - Estonia is a sea state!

Theme: Estonia - Sea state I part.

Children age: 5-6 years

Objectives: The child orients on the map of Estonia. The child knows on which sea Estonia lies. The child knows were are Muhu, Saaremaa and Hiiumaa islands. The child can order the islands by size. The child can mark given places on their maps. The child get to know concept of geography. The child can make cooprational work with others and use and share tools. 

Tools: On the wall large map of Estonia and map of counties. On each table are two maps were are marked citys. Each child has empty map of Estonia. Ordinary pencil and colored pencil. Three ropes about 4-5 meters each and letter cards.

Preparations: The children have had the opportunity to get acquainted with map of Estonia and maps on counties. They have also shown others where they have been. The child knows which sea Estonia borders. With children was discussed about border guards work and explored border of Estonia. Today morning the children found out that today they will work in a firm that makes maps of Estonia for children.

Activity: The teacher lets the children know that staff meeting will be in 5 minutes.

They all clean the room and they go to the "office". In the beginning of staff meeting one "worker" says todays date and day. In the meeting they learn that today they are going to make maps of Estonia for schools geography lessons. "Workers" can express their opinion why these maps are important for the school students and what they learn in geography lessons. Together they look  map of Estonia and each child can show where he/she has been and where they want to go. Then their attention is directed on Estonian three islands that lie in Baltic sea (Muhu, Hiiumaa, Saaremaa).

The children compare the islands and line up in order of size. Activity continues in three groups. Were they choose the group leader. The leaders responsibility is to support and counsel group members and help if somebody needs it. 

First task is for "workers" to paint on maps the three islands (Muhu, Hiiumaa, Saaremaa). Second task is to mark the places the children have visited. Third task is to choose one island which they will make with the help of rope. On each "office table" there is a rope, map of counties and letter cards. It is important to follow chosen island size and shape. When the group has finished their island, the group leader will introduce the others why they chose it. 

During the week the children continue to color the map of Estonia. They write the names of cities where

they have been.

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