Saturday, May 8, 2021

Our Sea

Theme: The sea joys and sorrows

Children age: 4-5 years

Objectives: The child understands and feels the world around him/her holistically. The child gets an idea of ​​his/hers self and the roles of him/herself and others in the living environment. The child learns to value his or her own health and the health of others and tries to behave healthily and safely. The child begins to value an environmentally friendly and environmental protection way of thinking and understands the concept of cause / consequence. Establish contact with nature and the sea, through children's own experiences.

Tools: Computer. Teachers made learning video, where she used materials from group visits to the beach and materials from internet: ;; ; 

Preparations: Teacher makes the video. Group room ready for viewing. The teacher prepares text and questions according to the learning video.


Activity starts with morning circle and song "Who is with us today".

Then they have a discussion about the children experiences with the sea. 

Then the children sit on chairs and they watch the learning video made by the teacher.

According to the theme and picture in video the teacher pauses and they talk and explain what they see. 

After the video they discuss themes:

  • How we are connected with the sea?
  • What I can do to help the sea and nature?
  • What causes the bad health of the sea and sea animals?


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