Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Animals in Our Nature - The Eurasian eagle-owl - feathering


OBJECTIVES: The child knows that birds have feathering; The child knows what the bird feather looks like; The child knows that the feathers are different; The child knows that the feathers help the birds with flying; The child can draw and paint the bird feather; The child knows letter U and A; The child finds letters A and U in the words.

ACTIVITY: The teachers shows pictures of animals and birds to the children. Asks them about their fur and feathers. The teachers shows differents bird feathers to the children and tells them of their importance. The children learn that down feathers hold warmth and are very important for chicks when they hatch. The bird feathers are important for flying and they are different shapes, sizes and colors. The children listen, look and ask questions. 
The children hear the word SULG (feather) and they spell it. Then they hear the word KASSIKAKK (Eurasian eagle-owl) and they spell it. The children try to find letters A-s and U-s in the words. They make circle around these letters. 

They start to draw the bird feather with the teacher. The children are given thin long paper. The first feather they are making with felt-tip pens and imitate what the teacher is making on the board. The teacher gives also oral instructions: Draw long bird feather stamp from up to down. Draw the shape of feather. Draw short sidelong lines very closely. 

The second bird feather the children make themselves with oil pastels and watercolors. At first they make the feather with oip pastels and then use watercolors for coloring the feather.

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