Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Animals In Our Nature - Wonderful Lynx

CHILDREN’S AGE: 4 years old

OBJECTIVES: The gets to know the Lynx and knows how big it is in real life. The child can describe the Lynx appearance. The child practices making lines and circles. The child compares the Lynx height and length with themselves and group members.

ACTIVITY: First, they try to remember how the Lynx looked. They have different pictures to help them. They discover what are the appearance features. Then the teacher puts the paper with Lynx on the floor and tapes it. Then the children have to draw the fur for the Lynx. First to make lines (hair) and the to make color filled circles. When it is ready comes the next task.

The children lie down on the Lynx and the others have to tell if the child is shorter or longer then the Lynx. All children have the chance to compare them with Lynx.

In our group we concluded:
- if we look from the height at withers then our children are taller
- if we look by body length then our children are shorter then Lynx

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