Thursday, November 26, 2020

Exploring our school’s botanical garden!

The Botanical Garden of Nipiagogeio Lympion, Cyprus, is a place where children enjoy being there. Although is a very small garden, it offers very beautiful experiences to children. 

Before the first visiting we asked the kids to make a prediction about the plants they think they will find there. During the visiting, we marked with the sign "V" the plant that exists in the garden and with the sign "X" if it doesn’t. We also wrote the names of the plants that they saw in the garden and didn’t mentioned them in the prediction list.

We started with a walk to get acquainted with the herb garden

They walked among the trees and herbs, touched them and smelled them. They noticed their leaves in shape, color and size. They compared the herbs with each other in terms of their morphological characteristics and identified similarities and differences.

We mentioned the names of the herbs and distinguished their different aromas.

Various herbs are there, such as lavender, sage, rosemary, dill, thyme, oregano.

This was the first contact with our school's Botanical Garden for this year!

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